Five 太平洋秩序 honorees to be recognized at commencement

博彩平台网址大全选出了五位最有影响力的领导者和教师来获得太平洋勋章, the university’s highest honor.

博彩平台网址大全(University of the Pacific)选出了该校五位最具影响力的领导人和教师,以获得该奖项 太平洋秩序, the university’s highest honor.

这个奖项, which began more than 70 years ago, recognizes faculty, 多年来为大学做出重大贡献的教职员工和董事. Recipients will be honored at the May 11 commencement ceremony.

The 2024 太平洋秩序 honorees are:

  • 维吉尼亚陈, former regent
  • Ciccolella挂钩, professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Sciences
  • 夜城市大学, professor and executive associate dean at the 亚瑟一个. Dugoni School of Dentistry
  • 杜戈尼学院口腔健康教育教授兼副院长辛迪·里昂说
  • 艾伦黄, 杜戈尼学院普通牙科高等教育教授和项目主任




维吉尼亚陈 ’77

40多年来,陈的慷慨对博彩平台网址大全博彩平台网址大全产生了变革性的影响. Gifts from 维吉尼亚陈 and her husband, 摄政王陈振聪, have supported numerous learning and residential spaces and created scholarships.

A 1977 graduate of the 托马斯J. Long School of 药店, Chan also served on the Board of 评议 for three terms, completing her final term in 2023 after nine years.

“陈维吉尼亚体现了太平洋的服务精神,”主席克里斯托弗·卡拉汉说. “I am deeply grateful for her leadership over the years, 从担任我们非常成功的“有目的领导”活动的联合主席,到作为摄政王提供不可估量的指导. 她的巨大贡献对我们学生的生活产生了有意义的影响.”


2023年,陈氏夫妇获得了哈佛大学最高的校友荣誉——卓越奖章. 他们还在2016年获得了太平洋校友会颁发的杰出家庭奖. 有12名家庭成员在博彩平台网址大全就读,包括他们的两个孩子09届的乔纳森和13届的梅根.


弗吉妮娅从不放过任何一个对她的病人表现出额外关怀和善意的机会,” Regent Consuelo Callahan ’75 wrote in her nomination letter. “她有一群忠实的病人,因为她总是让她的病人感到特别,并确保他们的医疗需求得到满足.”




从创建新的学术项目到推动体育运动中的性别平等,再到倡导改变学生生活, Ciccolella has had a monumental impact across the university.

“In a nearly 40-year career at Pacific, Peg’s contributions have extended significantly beyond the expectations of her position; she has enriched the life of the university,” said Mark Van Ness, professor and chair of health and exercise sciences. “Peg is a faithful and dedicated teacher, mentor, leader and servant.”

Ciccolella joined Pacific in 1985. During her time at Pacific, 她设计了健康和运动科学以及公共卫生和社区健康学位.


作为田径顾问委员会的成员和两所不同大学的前体育主任和教练, 西科拉是博彩平台网址大全改变女教练薪酬和女子运动队服务方式的推动力量.

In 2009, she chaired a program review of Pacific Recreation, leading to several substantial improvements. Her dedication to students over the years earned her 学生生活’s highest honor, the Judith Chambers Excellence in 学生生活 Award.

She also has served on numerous committees, including chair of Academic Council.

She has received the Spanos Award for Distinguished Teaching, Athletic Training Recognition Award and Women of Distinction award, 等.




One of the country’s leading infection control experts, Cuny has been educating students at the 亚瑟一个. Dugoni School of Dentistry since 1984.

She helped develop the Dugoni School’s Personalized Instruction Program, 哪个项目为学生提供了一个与导师一起从事特殊兴趣项目的机会. 她还与学生密切合作,组织每年一次的牙买加全球服务学习之旅, 菲律宾, Mexico and other locations.

“Cuny教授体现了我们在Dugoni学校非常重视的人文主义方法,” said Professor 辛迪里昂, associate dean for oral health education. “She’s one of our best role models for life-long learning, servant leadership, evidence-based problem solving and global citizenship.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuny led COVID-19 vaccine clinics on the San Francisco campus and for the community. She also became the Dugoni School’s first female executive associate dean in 2020.



辛迪里昂 ’86, ’09


1974年,她开始在该领域担任牙科助理,并最终于1986年在杜戈尼获得了DDS学位. She also earned a doctorate in education from Pacific’s Benerd College in 2009.

The impact of her leadership has had a marked difference on the dental school, especially during the pandemic.

“辛迪不知疲倦地工作,以确保我们的学生在由于当地卫生命令而完全偏远的情况下接受同样高水平的教育,” said Dean and Vice Provost Nader Nadershahi. “Her ability to quickly process information, 在那个充满挑战的时期,确定最佳行动方针和实施有效干预措施确实是非常宝贵的.”

She received the Dugoni School 校友 Association’s highest award, 由于她对学校和牙科专业的重大贡献,她于2019年获得了杰出奖章.



艾伦黄 ’83, ’86, ’09

Described by colleagues as a “Pacifican through and through,” Wong has been part of the Pacific community for more than 40 years.

He graduated from College of the Pacific in 1983, 他于1986年在Dugoni学院获得牙科学位,并于1987年在该学院的萨克拉门托项目完成住院医生实习期,同年加入该学院. He later earned a Doctor of Education degree from Pacific’s Benerd College in 2009.

他最具影响力的角色之一是担任普通牙科住院医师高级教育项目主任, which he took over in 2012.

“Dr. Wong brought to the program a humanistic compassion for underserved patients, 在照顾有特殊需要的病人方面有广泛的知识和令人难以置信的职业道德,” said Paul Subar, chair of the Department of Diagnostic Sciences, 他补充说:“他非常支持那些幸运地遇到他的学生, educating and inspiring hundreds of students along the way.”

As part of his deep commitment to service, Wong has supervised students providing care on global missions to Fiji, 曾担任特奥会特殊微笑项目的全球临床顾问,并在疫情期间带头为数百名发育和身体残疾人士分发COVID-19疫苗方面发挥了重要作用.

Among his numerous awards, 他于2011年获得美国牙科协会人道主义牙医认可,并于2022年获得Dugoni学校颁发的杰出奖章.