你的学位很重要。 区别

当你在博彩平台网址大全获得化学学位时, you will build skills to give you confidence and a competitive edge as you enter the workplace or pursue 研究生学位. 不像其他大学, Pacific offers undergraduates the opportunity to conduct hands-on re搜索. You can work alongside faculty whose labs are contributing to treatments for diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's.

本科生的研究 机会 这里展示的是太平洋独有的.”


当你在博彩平台网址大全获得化学学位时, you can expect to receive training in all practical laboratory skills. These skills give you confidence and a competitive edge as you enter the workplace or pursue 研究生学位. Senior students (BS) compete very well nationally for admission to the best professional schools and are very competitive in the employment market after graduation. Our graduate students (MS/PhD) have secured leading positions in industry and academia nationally and internationally.


Unlike large universities, Pacific offers a student-centered learning experience. 化学系也是如此. 如果你主修化学或生物化学, you will receive not only 机会 to develop a deep understanding of the subject, but you will be mentored by the faculty much more closely than at other universities.


You have the option to earn your bachelor's degree in three years. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.


亚历克Follmer graduated from Pacific in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in 生物化学. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at California Institute of Technology where he studies 生化 physics, 特别是生物无机化学.



生物化学是对分子的研究, 在分子水平上产生生命的反应和过程. Understanding 生物化学 allows re搜索ers to identify better drugs and develop more effective treatments to improve the human condition. 我们的生物化学课程为你提供, 作为一名本科生, 机会 to participate in re搜索 projects that focus on drug disc在y and combating disease so you can make a real 区别.


研究 在化学

The department offers a variety of exciting and future-oriented re搜索 topics, 从有机合成拉伸, 生物化学, 理论化学, 到物理化学和光谱学. 研究生被要求从事研究工作, 但我们也鼓励本科生参与进来. 我们的教师是作者/合著者  106篇研究论文 发表在高质量的同行评议期刊上, often co-authored with undergraduate and/or graduate student re搜索ers. Faculty and students attend numerous national and international conferences and present their papers. Our students also have the opportunity to engage in paid summer re搜索 with faculty members.

Current grants (close to $1,000,000) support this re搜索 and have funded

  • the extremely well-equipped mass spectrometry facility (including a DART AccuTOF mass spectrometer)
  • 核磁共振设备(600兆赫核磁共振仪器)
  • 新的SGI计算机集群
  • 标准仪器

Tuesday Seminar Series: The Tuesday seminars are intended to bring internationally recognized colleagues to the department to keep faculty, 以及本科生和研究生, 了解该领域的最新发展, 建立人际关系网, 发展合作.


研究生 students admitted to the Pharmaceutical Sciences and 化学项目 earn salary as teaching assistants in undergraduate laboratories. 他们被要求进行研究, 他们每学期最多可获得9个学分的学费减免.

尽管它的体积很小, the 化学系 mentors 24 研究生 students and several post-doctoral fellows.



本科 students have the opportunity to join re搜索 groups in the department to fulfill the requirements of chemistry/生物化学 electives, 还有暑期实习的机会. 在研究小组中, they will work alongside 研究生 students and the faculty supervisor on current projects. They either receive units for their work or (upon availability of funds and qualification) salary as re搜索 associates.



1) 合成和药物发现/设计:  The track puts emphasis on the disc在y and development of new compounds (synthetic and natural product sources) as potential drugs as well as new methods of chemical synthesis and structure elucidation.

2) 分析/物理化学/生物化学这条赛道着重于化学方面的研究, 生化, and biomedical questions with a broad range of experimental and computational tools. This includes state-of-the-art synthetic methodologies, instrumentation, and molecular techniques.


Gabby sondregger, 23岁

Gabby started college with the goal of becoming a re搜索 scientist at a national lab. 事实上, she decided to study chemistry at Pacific because of the university’s re搜索 机会. As a recipient of Pacific’s Stauffer慈善信托挑战补助金, she was able to work on synthesizing molecular switches which have a potential use in cancer drug delivery systems.


Six chemistry students each summer received stipends to pay for their re搜索 thanks to the John Stauffer Charitable Trust as well as donations from university alumni, friends and students who belong to the professional chemistry organization Alpha Chi Sigma. The trust matched donations, dollar for dollar, for a total of $1 million.


如果你想有资格在中学教化学, 你应该填写单科证书.  Ask you adviser or the department chair for information on specific course requirements.  For other credential requirements, you should consult faculty in Benerd College.


The Pac诺伊斯博彩平台网址大全排名 Program provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors at Pacific who become teachers in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

You could be eligible for the Robert Noyce Teachers 奖学金 worth up to $13,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,硕士/教师资格证书的最后一年.




